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IMF Backs UK Deficit Reduction Plan: Financial Institution Endorses Cuts To Help Economy Recover

28/9/2010 12:47 PM BST

The IMF backs any government plan from any country that essentially cuts spending, jobs and investments. It does not mean that these uncontrolled cuts will help Britain. Look at Brazil, for example. A decade ago they said a big NO to IMF draconian policies and instead of cutting jobs and services, they enlarged their economy by creating jobs, a tougher fiscal policy that sends tax evaders to prison, increasing the national minimum wage, and expanding the social welfare. Brazil's economy is in so good health with 7% grows per year and the lowest unemployment rate in history. Also they afford the luxury to lend money to other South American countries. This is a result of a centre left policy that puts people first, that makes capitalism work for people, not the other around. Perhaps Mr. Osborne should learn some lessons from them as he is driving the UK economy to a profound retraction that it will take generations to recover. Latest Poll: Tories 39%, Labour 40%. It says all.


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