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How to classify an Europhobe

Many biased spurious arguments. Half truth and exaggeration. Xenophobia and fear. These are the main ingredients to make a real Europhobe. They are everywhere and at all costs try to get you on board. They do not enjoy the two main achievements from being part of the European Union. For the first time in history we enjoy more than 50 years of peace in Europe. We don't fight each other for market dominance, land or race. We live harmoniously. Secondly, the freedom of movement. We are free to go anywhere, live anywhere, work anywhere, trade anywhere. The Union makes the strength.

I can classify the Europhes in 4 groups: They are:

Group A (The Mentally raped)

Those who are lead by the partial media which publishes inaccurate or exaggerated stories (Euromyths), most of which give the impression of absurd bureaucracy and over-regulation. Coupled with poor education, poor access to accurate and unbiased information, I call this group the "The mentally raped". They think what they are told to think.

Group B (To Be or not To Be)

Those who fear competition from outside at all levels, from better services and products to employment skills. These people are, generally speaking, well educated and able to influence group A. Some people in this group will not cope well with the situation and will become xenophobes. Many high profile business and populists politicians fall in this group. I call this group "to be or not to be"

Group C (Leave Me Alone)

The real Europhobes. They are not racists or xenophobes, however they fear that their traditions and way of life will be drastically changed by the EU. They prefer to remain in their shell indefinitely, even knowing that the country would benefit from the EU. This group is made of older people. I call this group "leave me alone"

Group D (We Are So Special)

This is the group "We are so special". These are the xenophobes although they try to conceal it. There is latent element of controlled superiority complex. If things are not exaclty done the way is done in Britain then this thing fate is to be always wrong. They live in the past, the great almight empire, conquests and subjects, the only righteous people on earth. The ideas of a broader community, sharing values, humanity, union and common protection are straight away rejected. To conceal this xenophobia, they use hilarious arguments like foreign invasion or loss of sovereignty. Secretly they vote for nationalist extremists parties.

Are you a Europhobe ?  Which group do you fit yourself ?



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