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Belgium Shaken As Nationalists Win Election

Monday June 14, 2010 

It is really funny to see how many people do believe that EU is fragile. It took half a century to build it. I won't go away like that. For the same period of time our continent remained in peace. Belgium has a long tradition of keeping extremism and false moralist out of their society. Xenophobia is on rise, no doubt about it. Soon we will have a new Stalin, Mussolini and even a Hitler messing around somewhere in Europe. Some people do embrace the "non-EU" instance in order to hide their racism, anger, personal frustrations, low self esteem, etc. Exactly how it happened in Germany in the 30's. Irresponsible stubborn.

Most anti-EU people do not have even a vague knowledge how important and how we are dependent of our EU ties. It is a waste of time to try to explain all the benefits we enjoy and we take as granted. Those people will only realise that when they get affected directly by unemployment, high inflation, lack of competition in manufacturing, skilled workers, and above all poverty and isolationism. We can't rely in the old colonialism model of the Commonwealth. We are not a mighty empire any more. The world is changing fast, very fast. Very soon China (Communist), India, Brazil (Socialist) will eat us as desert economically speaking. We need Europe united, we share cultural values, religion, freedom etc. We need one voice to face the challenges ahead. Don't blame EU because you have an issue with immigration. For many years the UK has the strictest policy for immigration than any country in the EU. Like Le Pen in France, Wever in Belgium will be a comedy in history.


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