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Emergency Budget Delivered By Chancellor George Osborne With Britain Braced For Tax Rises And Cuts

22/6/2010 2:32 AM BST

We are going to sink again my God. Another Thatcher era! This is a budget dream that always the far right politicians in this country always wished for. Who benefits ? Large corporations, Banks and the well offs. Not a single word in creating jobs. Is it called progressive Budget ? I can forecast a sharp increase in violence and crime in the following years.

Make no mistakes, the wild capitalists are using the world economical crisis as a excuse to rule their old and selective doctrine.  People do forget that thanks to those unemployed/sick people receiving benefits there are still some jobs available for those who are skilled and fit. What a foolish assumption to think there are jobs for all. I will work twice as I do now as my employer may think that one of those without benefits can work for less and have a better performance than me...

I am not an economist but some things are so obvious like this: Those on benefits help the economy to grow as they buy food, clothes, pay for services etc. Consequently they generate revenues to factories as the production increases and ultimately save jobs. Would you prefer people without jobs and benefits wondering on our streets ? That's a fact. Can you image you living with £59 per week ? Most people on benefit do. This Budget is worse than Thatcher era because although that government raised unemployment to a record 3 million people, they did not cut benefits from those affected. We have a recipe for a disaster. Shame on you Liberal Democrats for contributing with this anti-progressive policy.

We need children; our society is ageing and shrinking. We cannot end up like in Germany where despite enormous benefits to encourage people to have babies, the population is decreasing and fated to extinguish in a near future. They need immigrants to pump their economy. We are lucky to have a reasonable rate of birth and we should protect that in order to guarantee our own existence. They will be our soldiers, our doctors etc. For those money oriented mind, to have a child may be a burden, for others it is a natural course of life, a gift from God.
Weak up Britain !


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