Tuesday August 10, 2010
PM David Cameron |
Here we go. Private companies spying on us. Business people having access to sensitive information at their will. Tax evasion costs £15.2 billion a year while benefits fraud costs £ 1.5 billion. Mr Cameron, are you going to hire private companies to spy on these people too ? As I a tax payer I want to make sure my money is spent on reducing corporate tax evasion, businesses operating in the hidden economy, VAT fraud etc. Benefit fraud accounts for 0.8% of total benefit expenditure. It is obvious that this government targeted the welfare as their scapegoat to promote hate and break the fragile security that benefits the low income families. Typical Thatcherism. Why Mr. Cameron, during the electoral campaign, did not tell us he would destroy our Social Security System ? Any reason to hide it Mr. Cameron ? Instead of creating jobs, investing in production, increasing the minimal wage to a decent level, he creates an environment for social unrest and fuelling the crime rate. Unbelievable!
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